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Should I provide the EQE (IPCE) spectrum?
Yes, only those published articles including the external quantum efficiency (incident photon to collected current electron ratio) spectrum will be considered for the emerging PV reports. These spectra provide both, validation to the photocurrent value from the current-voltage characteristic, and evaluation of the photovoltaic bandgap energy.
What bandgap energy definition should I use?
The emerging PV reports relates with the bandgap extracted form the inflection point of the EQE in the absorption threshold region of the spectrum. This is herein called the photovoltaic bandgap energy (Eg). A sigmoid parameterization is recommended, and intended to be automatically implemented in the section My cells.
The optical bandgap energy, e.g. from the absorption Tauc plots, can be additionally provided. But in any case, it should characterize the complete device rather than a single independent film of the absorber material.
What minimum information should I include in my published articles?
Your article must provide evidence on the performance parameters from the current density-voltage (J-V) curve, the bandgap from the EQE spectrum and a description in the experimental section allowing reproduction of the results. Similarly, for transparency applications, the transmittance (T) spectra should be included with the calculation of the the average visible transmittance (AVT). For stability tests, all the degradation conditions should be specified (including initial and final efficiencies under standard conditions).
The table in this link summarizes the minimum requirements.
What to do if my article does not include some of the mandatorily required data?
An extended/additional supporting information can be submitted providing all the necesary data. Upon evaluation by the e-PV consortium, this document can be accepted and posted in the emerging-pv.org website for the proper citing in the emerging PV reports.
The current list of extended/additional supporting information documents can be accessed here.
We suggest the use of this template for submission of your extended/additional supporting information document.
What is ORCID? How do you use the data?
ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor iD. It is an organization that aims at providing an open registry of academic and scientific authors. Moreover, it provides a mechanism for linking research outputs and activities to ORCID iDs. In many cases, the ORCID logo indicates data or information linked to ORCID.
We are using ORCID to authenticate users on emerging-pv.org and link their contributions to the database. Once authenticated, any cell that you submit is linked to your ORCID iD as submitting author. If provided, we use your email address to notify you upon completed review of your submitted cells.
More information regarding ORCID is provided on their web page.