This page gives you as consortium member the opportunity to cast your votes on submissions. Please remember to follow the guidelines set internally (TODO: link to guidelines). Submissions here are read only and cannot be altered. However, administrators (support@emerging-pv.org) can change data entries.
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Emerging-pv.org is collecting your ORCID iD so we can assign contributions to your account and grant access to the page based on your contribution level. When you click the “Authorize” button, we will ask you to share your iD using an authenticated process: either by registering for an ORCID iD or, if you already have one, by signing into your ORCID account, then granting us permission to get your ORCID iD. We do this to ensure that you are correctly identified and securely connecting your ORCID iD. Learn more about ORCID on our support page.
As emerging-pv.org and part of Forschungszentrum Jülich we are proud to be a consortium member organization of ORCID.